Saturday, June 23, 2012

Post #1

Hi, and welcome to Syh Studios! Our mission is to make fun games for ALL the people. We will post our games here on this blog. Syh Studios is composed of three people (but I hear rumors about a fourth..). We are mostly using the java-based language Processing, but will probably switch to Java or C++ before long. Of course, it might not just be games we're programming, it could be something else. One of the things about having three writers is that we each make our own things as well as games for Syh. But don't worry, we'll be sure to post them here too! My name is Josh, I've been programming lightly for about a year, and am a proud brony. The other contributors are Kyle and Jeff, but I'll have them tell you about themselves. Well, that's my first post. I hoped you enjoyed it.